
What is a circular economy?

What is a circular economy?

October is Circular Economy Month in Canada. It’s a chance to re-think how we produce, use and dispose of materials and products in our lives. A circular economy shifts away from the traditional "take-make-dispose" linear model. Instead, it promotes a closed-loop system where products, materials, and resources are used, reused, and regenerated, thereby minimizing waste and environmental impact.   Linear Economy                   Circular Economy      So how does it benefit communities? Environmental Sustainability: The Circular Economy reduces the depletion of finite resources and minimizes waste generation. By recycling, upcycling, and reusing...

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July Schedule

July Schedule

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Canada's New Year Resolution

Canada's New Year Resolution

Canada's single use plastic ban came into effect on December 20, 2022. It feels like a small resolution for our country. It's not going to make a massive difference in our overall plastic waste, but I hope it help people think about all of their overall choices of products and packaging.  So what does this ban actually do?  The ban will include items from six categories and were selected because they are items commonly found in the environment, are difficult to recycle & have available alternatives. The categories are:   checkout bags cutlery foodservice ware made from, or containing, problematic plastics...

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What if we all REFILLed?

What if we all REFILLed?

This dish soap bottle has been in my kitchen for 3 years. It has been refilled approximately 18 times. By REFILLing I've eliminated that many plastic bottles from entering the waste or recycle systems. Think of the difference we could make if we all REFILLed.

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What I'm up to now

What I'm up to now

Hi Friends & Colleagues,  As most of you know I opened Vessel Refillery just over a year ago. There’s been a lot of learning and changes in that time, so I thought I’d send out a quick update on what I’m doing. I’ve added lots of new products since opening last March and am experimenting with some new service models.  For those of you who don’t know what Vessel Refillery is; basically, it’s my way of helping you get rid of some of the plastic in your lives. I stock most cleaners and a good range of personal care products....

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