September Samples


September Samples was really popular last week and I'm out of sample jars. When I get the sample jars back I'll do another round of samples. 


I know there are a lot of people curious about how Vessel Refillery works. September Samples gives everyone a chance to try it out, or try some products they're curious about.

For the month of September we'll be giving away free samples of some popular products. Here are the details:
- Limited number of samples are available on a first come first ordered basis.
- Samples & delivery are free, but the $1.25 jar deposit applies. You get the deposit back when the jar is returned. 
- Maximum 3 samples per address. Existing customers please limit samples to products you haven't tried.
- Deliveries take place according to the regular delivery schedule and within the standard delivery zone.
- For information about each product visit the specific product pages.

Order Personal Samples or Household Samples.

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